Computer software

Here is a list of open source software I use on a frequent basis.
  • KeePass, an offline and lightweight password manager.
  • Syncthing, for synching files between devices (like my KeePass databases).
  • Thunderbird for my emails.
  • Vim as text editor/IDE. I do everything in Vim, just like making this website. My vimrc is also public.
  • Kdenlive to edit videos. It does everything I need it to do, and more.
  • GnuCash to do personal accounting! Using it changed the way I use my money, for the better.
  • EteSync, a calender, contacts and task syncing service. No more sharing calendar data with google!
  • EteSync server to self host my server on a raspberri pi zero.

Android apps

  • F-Droid, an open source and Google free applications catalogue. I download all my apps from F-Droid.
  • openScale, open source weight and body metrics tracker with support for Bluetooth scales.
  • AAT, a GPS tracker for cycling.
  • KeePassDroid, a mobile version of KeePass.
  • Goodtime, a productivity timer I use when studying.
  • SlimSocial, a lightweight mobile Facebook app.
  • VLC for mobile.
  • Simple Calendar.
  • Tasks, a simple task management app (which also syncs using EteSync!)
  • K-9 Mail, a very clean email client!