
Here is a list of open source applications I use on a frequent basis.
  • KeePass, an offline and lightweight password manager.
  • Syncthing, for synching files between devices (like my KeePass databases).
  • Thunderbird for my emails.
  • Vim as text editor/IDE. I do everything in Vim, just like making this website. My vimrc is also public.
  • Kdenlive to edit videos. It does everything I need it to do, and more.
  • GnuCash to do personal accounting! Using it changed the way I use my money, for the better.
  • Godot, for those times when I want to scratch a game development itch.

Self-hosted software

I also self-host a number of services on a personal server which I can heavily recommend:
  • Radicale as a self-hosted calendar server.
  • Miniflux, a minimalistic RSS reader. While an RSS reader does not need to be hosted (there are thousands of local RSS readers), it's nice to be able to read from the same feeds on multiple devices.
  • GoatCounter, a really neat tool for privacy-oriented web analytics.

Android apps